The Tempest - SEATTLE

The Tempest September 1-16, 2017
The Fern continued our Season of Magic an presents Shakespeare's final play--The Tempest.
Imagine: You’ve been marooned on a deserted island with your child for twelve years. Suddenly, those that conspired against you are shipwrecked in a storm and washed up on the same shore and are at your mercy. What do you do?
This is the very situation Prospero, the deposed Duke of Milan, is in at the beginning of The Tempest. It is a story of anger, a search for revenge; of love and sacrifices all unfolding in a world filled with magic. And of course, a storm, that seemingly ends as suddenly as it begins.
In his last complete play, Shakespeare takes us on an emotional journey as we follow Prospero and the choices that must be faced. Shakespeare challenges us with this experimental piece of work and dares to ask highly difficult questions. What will happen when Prospero’s past and present life collides? What does it mean to be human? Do we ever truly have control over the events of our lives and those we love? Or is the adage true, that if you truly love something you must let it go?
Join The Fern Shakespeare Company for this unique take on one of Shakespeare’s most magical Plays
Director: Doug Graham
Assistant Director: Sarah Kelly Beeson
Stage Manager:Lisa Harrington
Text Coach:Jessica Fern Hunt
Lighting Designer: Jessica Fern Hunt
Set Design: Doug Graham
Costume Design: Issiah Crosson
Music Director: Shawna Avinger
Prospero - Annie Hirsch St. John
Miranda - Angélica Duncan-Basile
Ferdinand - Roger Estrada
Ariel - Jessica Fern Hunt
Caliban - Matt Gilworth
Alonso - Marc Mok Moser
Antonio - Colleen Davis
Sebastian - Melanie Hampton
Stephano - Jean Sleight
Gonzalo - Sean Taylor
Trinculo - Janet Holloway-Thomas