Donations are the primary source of funding for The Fern.
Because The Fern Theatre Company is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, we need your support! 90% of our funds come from donors like you.
You can choose to make a One-Time Donation or a Recurring Monthly Donation. We know that every donor may not be able to give a large sum of money at once--We totally get it! One of the best and most helpful ways you can help us is by giving just $5-$10 bucks every month (that is roughly the price of a latte) to our Monthly Giving Program.
Monthly giving is an incredibly valuable program where you permit us to automatically charge $5 or $10 on your credit card each month. You don't even have to visit this site every month--by choosing the Monthly option by clicking here (or the button below) your card will be charged the amount you choose every month. It's that simple!
The monthly giving program is a sustainable way of pooling your donation with others who are also giving monthly. If you and forty-nine other people choose to give a small amount of $5 or $10 monthly, you and those other forty-nine people have given us a huge endowment--all for around price of a latte!