As artists there are many things that we value.  At FSC , we strive to adhere to the following values in everything we do:


Artists have a responsibility to better the community around us by using our art to make a statement about the world as a whole and ‘hold a mirror up to nature.’  

As a member of both Atlanta’s Theatre Community, we strive to work together with other companies to help ensure that theatre & art thrives in Atlanta.

Shakespeare had his own company, and we follow in that tradition. We operate a supportive and safe environment where we rely on our fellow company members to work toward excellence with trust, respect, excellence, empathy, and compassion. As a Company, we believe that a safe space where artists can explore is essential to the work we do.


We strive for excellence in all that we do.  We bring the best possible version of ourselves to our work onstage and to the organization, holding ourselves to high artistic, professional and personal standards.


The Fern has a non-discrimination policy. All are welcome regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual preference, economic status or disability of any kind.  We value and celebrate the lives and backgrounds of all people.  We encourage diversity of people, ideas and cultures in our work, enriching our art, our relationships with each other, our audiences and our community.  


With every production, we strive to find the truth in the text and embody that truth in our performances.  We take artistic risks and shy away from ‘safe theatre’ in order to produce shows which not only say something about the world around us, but touch each audience member with the truths of our existence.  Shakespeare’s works have been with us for over 400 years and we, as humans, keep telling these stories because they are the stories of human nature, history, and desires.

How We Work

We are a Classical Theatre Company and as such have a Core Acting Company. These company members have been very carefully selected based on their skill, passion, willingness to learn and because they exhibit the values FSC holds dear.